Looking for a custom poker table?

Dozens of combinations to choose from and more on the way!

Starting at $35


Custom Felt

Select a color, supply your club or site name, and we'll apply it to the table.

Table Props

Choose from props including chips, "cash", drinks and more…

Custom Background

Customize the floor surface and include chairs or other props.

Standard Tables

Premium Tables

Avatars & Cards

Poker Mavens Avatars 1 Poker Mavens Avatars 2 Poker Mavens Avatars 3 Poker Mavens Avatars 4 Poker Mavens Avatars 5 Poker Mavens Avatars 6 Poker Mavens Avatars 7 Poker Mavens Avatars 8 Poker Mavens Avatars 9 Poker Mavens Avatars 10 Poker Mavens Avatars Friends

Click to see full sets


Mavens Player App

Mavens Player brings a full screen experince to Poker Mavens on the go.
Free with a "Tip Jar" – Thank you for your support!
Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

Theme Designer

This utility allows you to design a color theme for your Poker Mavens Server.

Click on any of the four areas you wish to adjust: background color, window color, etc., and use the color picker to adjust the color for that section.

As you adjust the colors, the appropriate line's color value will be updated and ready to copy/paste to your server.

Design Your Theme

Chat Windows

Not V7 compatible
Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Windowx Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window Poker Mavens Chat Window

Click to open - right click to save.



Standard Table

  • Select a felt color
  • Select a club font
  • Provide your team name
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Add-Ons / Tweaks
Select from available library

  • Props
  • Materials
  • Backgrounds
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Premium Tables

  • Select a felt color
  • Provide your team name
  • Includes optional props
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Ask about our Multi Table discounts!


  • Select card design
  • Includes 2 & 4 color decks
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Avatars Sets

  • Multiple sets can be combined up to a total of 64 avatars
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Custom Setup?

Let's Talk




Tables sized and delivered to match the specs of Poker Mavens V5, V6 & V7.
Tables may work with V4 or earlier. Please download the table template below to verify alignment on your system before purchase.
*Using a custom table requires Pro or Gold license.
Download Template How to load system table Load table per room

* Mavens Tables has no direct affiliation with Briggs Software or Poker Mavens.
Tables were developed with permission from Briggs Software.

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